Our Approach

Drawing on our industry expertise, we bring a solid understanding of both business and technology. By sharing risk and responsibility with our clients, we drive the structural changes required to make companies leaner, more agile, and leaders in their markets. Our innovative approach to leveraging people, processes, and technology enables you, our client, to achieve the dramatic business results you desire, in record time.

Vbizops uses a unique blended onsite and offshore delivery model to provide 24x7 support. This model leverages our Global Development Center, where highly qualified professionals from both offshore and domestic locations collaborate with our business application experts to deliver lower-cost, real-time best practice solutions to your organization.

Vbizops supplements its delivery model with sophisticated methodologies and technology expertise. Our methodologies are based on best practices that have evolved from hundreds of separate engagements. Our technology expertise is the result of strategic partnerships and a sophisticated internal training program that equips our consultants with a proprietary software knowledge base and cutting-edge product expertise.